Discussing beta-agonists on RSGLandbou with Lise Roberts

Marlien de Kock, Sales and Technical Manager, discusses the safety and use of Beta-agonists with Lise Roberts on RSG Landbou – 22 July 2021 (interview in Afrikaans)

Beta-agonists have been in use in South Africa for the last 25 years for improvement in meat production. The question is if these molecules are safe for humans and animals. Marlien de Kock from Animate Animal Health talks to Lise Roberts from RSGLandbou regarding the safety and use of beta-agonists.  Follow this link to listen to the full interview.

Beta-agoniste word die afgelope 25 jaar in Suid-Afrika gebruik om vleisproduksie te verhoog. Die vraag is egter of die middel veilig is vir mens en dier. Marlien de Kock van Animate Animal Health gesels met Lise Roberts van RSGLanbou oor die veiligheid en gebruik van beta-agoniste. Volg hierdie skakel om na die volledige onderhoud te luister.

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Sales and Technical Manager (Pr.Sci.Nat.)
Animate Animal Health
082 602 2038 / marlien@animate.co.za